The Occupational Health Service is regulated by Act No. 355/2007 Coll. on the Protection, Promotion and Development of Public Health, as amended (hereinafter referred to as the “Public Health Protection Act”). There are also many implementing regulations in the form of decrees and regulations. Responsibility for the health and safety of employees lies with their employer. Therefore, the objective of the occupational health service is, in particular, to protect and promote the health of employees, to improve working conditions and the working environment and to maintain the health of the business as a whole. We advise employers, workers and other employees of the company on how to ensure proper compliance with a healthy and safe working environment.

Practice in the field of health protection at work is broader and does not include only activities performed by the health service. It is a multidisciplinary and multisectoral activity involving, in addition to occupational health and safety professionals, other professionals inside and outside the company, as well as competent authorities, employers, workers and their representatives. Therefore, a well-developed and coordinated workplace system is needed to help you achieve it. The necessary infrastructure should include all the administrative, organizational and operational systems needed to successfully implement health services and ensure its systematic development and continuous improvement. Within the Occupational Health Service, we perform:

  • evaluation of the factors of work and working environment and the way of work in terms of its possible impact on the health of employees
  • We assess health risks that threaten the health of employees at work, participate in the preparation of an assessment of the risk to the employer, propose measures to the employer to reduce or eliminate risks.
  • We make proposals to categorize works in terms of health risks, support the adaptation of work and working conditions to employees in terms of health protection.
  • We provide adequate advice to employers and employees on health protection against adverse effects of work and work environment.
  • We participate in setting up programs to protect and promote employee health, improve working conditions and much more.
The creation and observance of a safe and healthy working environment for employees is reflected in the actual performance of the company and outcomes. Therefore, do not hesitate to ensure an optimal working environment for your workers as soon as possible.

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